Wicker Hamper Is Best Choice For Laundry Storage, Durability & Style

A wicker hamper is one of the best choices of laundry and clothes storage baskets, known for its style and durability.

You can buy wicker hampers in a multitude of different sizes and the size that you end up buying depends very much on where you want to use your wicker hamper and what you want to put into it.

You might want a wicker hamper to use for a real old-fashioned picnic. You could place all your food, drink, and the picnic rug tidily inside the wicker hamper and then fasten it up ready for your journey. Everything is kept nicely together and your food will not end up getting broken and squashed, or thrown around.

Go to the other extreme and you will find a wicker hamper designed with storage in mind useful. These are often used in bathrooms, or bedrooms for storing small items that tend to clutter the place up, like makeup and combs, grips, and other things for hair. Sometimes a small wicker hamper will come as part of a stacking set of three that can look very nice in situ. Walmart does a selection of different hampers in different sizes.

Perhaps the most common type of wicker hamper is the large type that can be used for laundry. Walmart sells a fabulous Espresso-colored wicker hamper designed for laundry and it comes with different colored liners, which you can select from and make sure they match your décor, whether it is a bathroom or bedroom. The wicker hamper itself is shaped like a round basket with a lid and it is fully lined. It is twenty-two inches high and sixteen inches in diameter which is likely to be too small for use as a laundry hamper for many people. The gingham patterned insert is a hundred percent polyester and the liner inside the wicker hamper is polyester and cotton canvas.

A wicker hamper shaped like suitcases is excellent for storing bedding in, or even for storing warm clothing during the summer. They are useful in many rooms and particularly in a bedroom. Storing lots of bits and pieces in a wicker hamper can keep things neat and clutter-free and it can also make it easier to clean the room as you do not have to keep lifting things up to dust around them.

A large flat wicker hamper is also useful in the home office for storing papers, receipts, etc. that you have not yet got around to sorting out. It keeps things tidy and you do not end up with an over cluttered desk waiting for you to sort out your paperwork.

A wicker hamper can also be used as a decorative item and will look good in the lounge, or dining room, filled with logs, stone, or even potpourri. It depends on your preferences but wicker can add a certain ambiance to the décor in a room, especially if you have a real fire, or a flame effect one to set the whole thing off.  The gorgeous different shades of honey colors of natural wicker will enhance any room.