My friend recently told me about how they were saving on the electricity bills of their apartment complex, by meticulously planning on a host of activities. This included reducing the usage of unwanted lights and by switching to renewable energy sources (primarily through the use of ‘outdoor solar lights‘).
Where you can with Solar Lights:
In terms of reducing the consumption of electricity, they went about their planning in a very systematic manner. To begin with they made a list of all the light and fan points in the building and then identified what was being used for how long and thereby the amount of electricity consumed. Then they sorted out what was not required and switched it off immediately. The next step involved reducing usage of the existing lights and then switching to outdoor solar lights in the gardens and parks.
Positive Social Impact on Usage of Solar Energy:
While everyone was aware of the possibility of using outdoor solar lights, no one knew the details. To overcome this, they brought in an expert who could educate them on regarding the use of solar power and the costs and savings involved. All the residents in the complex were brought together to listen to what the expert had to say. The objective was to ensure that every one was aware of the possibilities and the fact that each individual effort could help in saving electricity consumption and that would help the collective objective. It was a step to make people aware and educate them further about their social responsibility towards the planet.
The expert provided information on the various methods of reducing consumption and then he focused on solar power and how this can be widely used to save the consumption of electricity. For the first time, my friend said, there was a sense of responsibility that was visible on the faces of those who attended the talk. There was a sense of readiness to contribute to the social cause and also to save some money!
Go for Best Outdoor Solar Lights
Two months later, a plan was implemented and all lights in the garden and parks were replaced with best outdoor solar lights. There was the initial investment in the equipment, lights, etc but the residents are already seeing a significant drop in their bills just by these small measures taken and that is encouraging them to do more. Having seen the results, they are now planning to implement more measures and improve the situation further.
The biggest lesson here was that baby steps in the right direction could really help save power and can be a big contribution in reducing the threat of depleting resources to planet earth. This also gave me the enthusiasm of looking for more examples like these and collating it in this blog so the readers can get inspired and start acting themselves!
Use Outdoor Solar Lights this Christmas!
Think about Christmas and the first thing that comes to mind is a colorful atmosphere filled with fun and joy. You get the feeling of the festive season as soon as the store begin to decorate their windows and interiors with red and white Santa colors, Christmas trees and not to forget, the lighting. The long strands of lights add color and sparkle, especially during the nights.
Now step aside and think about it in today’s environment. How much electricity is being wasted in the process and how much of our natural resources are getting depleted. On the other hand, whats Christmas without lights? So the option is not use the decorative lighting or then to think of alternatives. The first one is not really an option, is it? But the second one seems possible, especially if you care about the environment.
The quick alternative is to opt for solar outdoor lights. If you have already installed them, then you can simply redirect the battery to power your LED light strings. Since this is solar power, you don’t really have to think about wastage at this point – the sun will simply help you regenerate it. It’s a direct saving on your electricity bills as well.
Most types of lights work well with the batteries from your outdoor solar lights. Things like the string of lights with with 24, 50, or 104 LED bulbs are already accepted as ready for use as outdoor solar lights. Use these on the Pine trees in the yard or on your compound walls and you are done with Christmas lighting that saves your bills and also shows your concern about the environment.
Solar Lights are available now for years but we are still not taking first step to use them. I think this is right time to get into it. I have done my side work and give you best recommendations now it is your turn to to share this article with your friends who are looking for outdoor lights or who are house owners with beautiful backyards. Thanks for being with us and stay along with us to get regular tips to decorate your homes.