These beautiful roses give unique opportunities to Decorators, Florists, Administrators of Hotels, Clubs, Hospitals Buildings, Office… .etc., to enjoy the most natural, colorful, elegant, and nice environment for a very long time with the lowest prices. Make beautiful any ambient such as stores, churches, biz meetings, homes fast and easy.
More than any other flower, the ROSE has been immortalized in poetry, song, and literature as an object of beauty, always associated with romance and love. Through much of history, a bouquet of roses has been offered to an admired one as a symbol of love and appreciation.
Someone who is a special one in your life, your boyfriend, your husband, your best friends, or your family.
Do you remember the feeling when he sends the flower to you and something you see in his eyes, the feeling when you touch the flower, the gentle petal flowers, sweet smell, and the happiness around you?
That is an impressive moment you can’t throw away and you want to keep it forever. For this reason, a preserved flower is the perfect solution. You can save fresh flowers for a longer time. Additionally, you can add greeting messages in a flower box to make your gift more personalized and memorable.
Empress Floral offers beautiful preserved roses to US customers; especially to luxury hotels in Las Vegas, such as the Bellagio, Caesar’s Palace, Aria, etc. Unlike other preserved rose providers, Empress Floral offers unique, eye-catching qualities: the roses have thicker petals, are larger in size, and come in more natural colors, with a fresh rose smell. Typically preserved roses tend to be similar to factory cut-outs, but Empress Floral understands that no two roses are alike.
Empress Floral’s innovative preservation process keeps the preserved rose texture thick, with a freshly cut feel for up to a year in indoor conditions. The Forever Rose can last beyond a year. Empress Floral also doesn’t just sell wholesale preserved roses but delivers preserved roses in a box to customers. The preserved rose gift box includes audio or video greeting options.
Empress Floral preserved roses have been displayed in luxury Vegas hotels, such as Bellagio and MGM Grand. Empress Floral preserved roses are beautiful – no two roses are alike and the large roses are as wide as 2.5 inches with natural, vivid colors!
Empress Floral offers roses as wide as 2.5 inches. Empress Floral’s innovative preservation process keeps the rose texture thick, with a freshly cut feel for up to a year in indoor conditions. The Empress Floral Rose can last beyond a year – as beautiful as any fresh rose in the market today. Empress Floral also doesn’t just sell wholesale preserved flowers but delivers the preserved roses in a gorgeous box to customers. The new preserved rose gift box can include audio or video greeting options.