9 Oil Paintings Ideas For Console Table (2023)

Thinking of some cheap but fabulous oil painting ideas? Well, oil painting is a very innovative way to make your house look gorgeous. Wallpapers have become backdated, wall oil painting is the new in-thing. It is cheap and also easy to change as compared to wallpapers. We are going to discuss some wall painting ideas for the console table that will light up your room.

1. Artistic Rainbow Colored Oil Painting

Oil paintings in an Artistic style and having rainbow colors are perfect for study tables. You can use it in the bedroom or study-room table console. These types of painting always come with deep logical patterns which define the colors of life and nature. You can find more interesting Oil paintings on Canvas here.


2. Tiger Skin Oil Painting for Table Back

Another way to decorate your room is to use tiger skin oil painting. It looks powerful on one end and cute on the other end. Also, you can easily match your room’s paint colors with it. It has the illusion of 3D effect of the tiger’s body which makes it more interesting. It has the same background and whole painting you see or fees just because of the patches pattern.


3. Notice Board / Pins Style oil painting

Here is another simple but noticeable oil painting you can use in your office or meeting rooms. It looks like a board and pins attached to it but in actuality it was all hoaxed. It has a decent collection of paper colors which make it more realistic and suitable for all types of office rooms and could be easily fitted behind tables.


4. Nautical Sea-green Oil Painting to set behind your drawer Tables

If you have decorated your room with a nautical theme or you have a love of nature and sea life then this oil painting is specially designed for you. In the first look, you may find it disturbing patches of light and dark color spreading everywhere but in actuality, it is a beautiful painting that matches your nautical theme and explains sea life, water, romance, love, and nature.


5. Bright Colorful Oil painting for Table Consoles

If you are a bright color influencer, then this painting is for you because it gives new hope to the viewers and you can welcome your guests and visitors to your rooms with the help of this beautiful painting. It has many colors so you can match it with any theme you want and you customize your drawers, lampshades, curtains, and wall paints accordingly.


6. Vintage /Old Notice board or Maps Style Oil Painting

These are unique style oil paintings perfectly designed to grab the attention of anyone easily. This one looks like an old map or notice board pinned with different pieces of paper. it is suitable for colleges, schools, universities, libraries, and other institutes that could be related to it. These paintings are equally famous for homes and companies’ walls.


7. Seasonal Colorful Oil Painting to Decorate your Walls

Oil paintings are famous because artists play with colors and win the hearts of people with/her art. Now you can see a beautifully painted wall art behind the table. it has all light colors which depict nature and seasons. it is perfectly suitable for living rooms, master bedrooms,s and any other kind of room where you want to welcome your guests or visitors.


8. Light with Bright – Amazing color choices

This painting can be put in the lobby which is normally the main hall and give doorways to other attached rooms. It has bright and light colors which give peace to the mind and are easily matchable with almost all wall paint colors.


9. Add More decent Paintings with table consoles

If you are looking for more decent paintings to set with your table console then this one is also perfectly suitable for your gallery, living area, and bedrooms. You can enhance it by putting mirrors around it which makes your room more open and bright.


Are you looking for the best online art gallery to buy oil paintings on canvas ? Visit IndianArtZone, a juried e-gallery that provides you with varied paintings ranging from abstract paintings, contemporary paintings, and modern art paintings at an affordable cost. As well, they provide a wide range of figurative paintings at a reasonable price. Further customizations in terms of size dimensions, color shading, and styles can be incorporated.

Your Turn:

I think you like these mind-blowing oil painting ideas for table consoles. If you think these are interesting ideas then please do share them with your friends and followers via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or whatever social media you are using.

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